Would you like an extremely durable and seamless roof or floor? In that case POLYUREA is the right product for you.
The coating product POLYUREA has short stoppage, fast application and rapid drying which guarantee a sustainabilaty for 20 years.
The product is used for waterproofing surfaces that need a good abrasion resistance, such as bitumen roofs and concrete structures and for coating on transport wagons, machinery, equipment, hot tubs, swimming pools etc.
POLYUREA is a 2-component, solvent free elastomeric coating available in any color. The product is durable and is also available in a fire-retardant version. The coating is applied by spraying.
You can bring your equipment and machinery to our warehouse for treatment with POLYUREA. The roof treatment works as follows: first you clean the roof, then the coating is sprayed on the roof (depending on the surface a primer might be needed). Here you can see Triaxe’s staff in action – from start to finish: